We have a predominant presence across India in various locations with capability of providing benchmarked services by our trained workforce at even in the remotest and difficult locations along with every metropolitan and urban area in India.
We are equipped with our Operational Control at every place in a uniform pattern. The same is monitored and managed through adequate checks and balances from strong Corporate Office. Our large backup team of manpower, relevant experts with round the clock Operation Rooms and Control Rooms are our reason for being successful.
Our Company has proper and adequate operational control including internal checking through substantive and compliance tests. We also have a strong back-up team of experts. 24/7 Ops Room/Call Centers are also functioning to monitor the operational activities.
We provide stringent, scheduled and structured four tier training as per the training programme at our Training Centers by experienced trainers of defense background or with adequate exposure of training and development for Service Industry.
We ensure and carry out thorough background check and antecedent verifications of each candidate prior employment.
In Visual it is a must to carry out thorough background check and antecedent verifications of each candidate prior employment. Presently the criteria of KYC are checked as mandatory option.
We are governed by Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 (PSARA) Certified Company.